Crazy, Stupid, Love. (2024)


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    Reparto: United States of America

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    Reparto: United States of America

    Crazy, Stupid, Love. (6)

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    Reparto: United States of America

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    Reparto: United States of America

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    Reparto: United States of America

    Crazy, Stupid, Love. (12)

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    Reparto: United States of America

    Crazy, Stupid, Love. (14)

  • 2024 The Duel

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    Crazy, Stupid, Love. (16)

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    Género: Comedia , Drama , Romance

    Reparto: United States of America

    Crazy, Stupid, Love. (18)

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    Reparto: United States of America

    Crazy, Stupid, Love. (20)

  • 2024 Nada Que Temer

    Nada Que Temer

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    Género: Comedia , Drama , Romance

    Reparto: United States of America

    Crazy, Stupid, Love. (22)

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    Crazy, Stupid, Love. (24)

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    Reparto: United States of America

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    Crazy, Stupid, Love. (28)

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    Género: Comedia , Drama , Romance

    Reparto: United States of America

    Crazy, Stupid, Love. (30)

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    Género: Comedia , Drama , Romance

    Reparto: United States of America

    Crazy, Stupid, Love. (32)

  • 2024 Wired Shut

    Wired Shut

    Reed Rodney, un novelista desilusionado y de fama mundial, se está recuperando en su remota casa en la montaña de una importante cirugía reconstructiva de la mandíbula, que lo ha dejado físicamente incapacitado para hablar. Reed recibe una visita inesperada de su hija separada, Emmy. Después de que un secreto que amenaza su vida es expuesto y cambia su realidad tal como la conocen, Reed y Emmy deben decidir hasta dónde están dispuestos a llegar juntos en nombre de la supervivencia y la redención.

    Género: Comedia , Drama , Romance

    Reparto: United States of America

    Crazy, Stupid, Love. (34)

  • 2024 Drive my car

    Drive my car

    Pese a no ser capaz de recuperarse de un drama personal, Yusuke Kaf*cku, actor y director de teatro, acepta montar la obra 'Tío Vania' en un festival de Hiroshima. Allí, conoce a Misaki, una joven reservada que le han asignado como chófer. A medida que pasan los trayectos, la sinceridad creciente de sus conversaciones les obliga a enfrentarse a su pasado.

    Género: Comedia , Drama , Romance

    Reparto: United States of America

    Crazy, Stupid, Love. (36)

  • 2024 Juego de armas

    Juego de armas

    Historia de dos jóvenes a los que el Pentágono pagó 300 millones de dólares para armar a los aliados americanos en Afganistán

    Género: Comedia , Drama , Romance

    Reparto: United States of America

    Crazy, Stupid, Love. (38)

  • 2024 Eles Transportan a Morte

    Eles Transportan a Morte

    1492. Entre la tripulación dirigida por Cristóbal Colón viajan tres hombres que a estas alturas ya deberían estar muertos. Se las arreglaron para evitar su triste destino al participar en este viaje incierto. Tras llegar a Canarias huyen llevándose consigo una de las velas del barco. Mientras tanto, en el "Viejo Mundo", una mujer intenta salvar a su hermana moribunda llevándola a un curandero. Ambos viajes intentan burlarse de la muerte. Ambos viajes están a merced de la historia.

    Género: Comedia , Drama , Romance

    Reparto: United States of America

    Crazy, Stupid, Love. (40)

Crazy, Stupid, Love. (2024)


What is the big reveal in Crazy, Stupid, Love? ›

During the gathering, Jacob and Hannah show up, and Hannah is revealed to be Cal and Emily's first daughter born to them following Emily's teenage pregnancy. Cal is appalled that Jacob is dating his daughter, and forbids her from seeing him.

How did Cal know Jacob? ›

After moving into his own apartment, Cal goes to a bar night after night, talking loudly about his divorce, until he attracts the attention of a young man named Jacob Palmer (Ryan Gosling).

Do Cal and Emily end up together in Crazy, Stupid, Love? ›

At the end of the movie, when all the conflicts come together, Cal and Emily begin to rekindle their marriage and Cal decides he wants to do something nice for Emily.

What is the moral of Crazy, Stupid, Love? ›

#1: Don't lose yourself in relationships.

Before the discovery, Cal was a well-meaning family man who always took his responsibilities seriously. However, he doesn't appear to take care of himself, letting his appearance and behavior become mundane. Some even say his disregard is a reason Emily started drifting away.

What's the plot twist in Crazy, Stupid, Love? ›

Short Ending: It turns out that womanizer Jacob (Ryan Gosling) has fallen in love with Cal's (Steve Carell's) oldest daughter, Hannah (nicknamed “Nana” played by Emma Stone). Cal, who had been trained by Jacob in the art of seducing/objectifying women during his divorce, refuses to accept them as a couple.

What did Jessica give Robbie? ›

Seeing how badly he had taken this, Jessica feels sorry for Robbie and decides to give him a consolation prize: the photos she originally wanted to give to Cal.

Why did Cal secretly go back home after moving out due to his divorce with wife Emily? ›

Cal has moved out of the house but returned secretly to take care of the plants in the back yard. When Emily calls Cal's cell phone, she asks for help with lighting the water heater. Because he can see her through the window, he knows she's not in the basem*nt - the call is just an excus to hear his voice.

Does Cal Jacobs get caught? ›

Cal was then arrested and taken away by police for all of his crimes.

Are Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling friends? ›

Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone may not be each other's love interests in real life – but they do have a very close friendship. Gosling and Stone met during the audition for 2011's Crazy, Stupid, Love.

Why was Emily mad at Cal? ›

Emily's cheating on Cal was a badly-thought out plan to shake things up. Although she had tried to move on, her still-latent feelings for Cal reared up when she found out he had slept with their son's teacher, chewing him out in a jealous rage.

How old is Cal in Crazy, Stupid, Love? ›

At forty-something, straight-laced Cal Weaver (Steve Carell) is living the dream — good job, nice house, great kids and marriage to his high school sweetheart. But when Cal learns that his wife, Emily (Julianne Moore), has cheated on him and wants a divorce, his “perfect” life quickly unravels.

Why were they fighting in Crazy, Stupid, Love? ›

Related to Crazy Stupid Love Fight Scene Explained

The fight scene is about a domestic disturbance where the characters are arguing and threatening each other.

Why does Jacob help Cal? ›

1) Deep down, Jacob is a nice guy, and something about Cal makes him want to help him. 2) Since "the game" has pretty much ceased to be challenging to Jacob, he figures Cal represents a new, harder challenge. If he can get THIS guy laid, he really can work wonders.

What is the summary of the book Crazy Love? ›

Crazy Love deals with the idea of the average Christian's love of God and learning how to further develop those feelings into a "crazy, relentless, all-powerful love." In the format of Crazy Love Chan dedicates three sections to renewing understanding around the character of God and seven chapters encourage Christians ...

What streaming service can I watch Crazy, Stupid, Love on? ›

streaming: where to watch online? You can buy "Crazy, Stupid, Love." on Apple TV, Amazon Video, Microsoft Store as download or rent it on Amazon Video, Apple TV, Microsoft Store, Spectrum On Demand online.

Who is the killer in crazy love? ›

Speaking of secretaries, Soo-young's secretary (a.k.a. Dr. Jo) turns out to have been the real mastermind all along. Not only did he incite Kang Min to hit Go-jin with his car, but he also manipulated evidence about Se-gi's sister, intentionally making Se-gi believe Go-jin was to blame for his sister's death.

Does he really have amnesia in crazy love? ›

It is also revealed that Gojin does not have amnesia.


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

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Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.