Chapter Text
December 24th , 2019
9:50 PM
Snow. That’s what she was looking at right now. Yanna was walking outside in the December snow. It was the night of Christmas eve, and she was heading back to her apartment. She had a long day of playing, and she honestly just wanted to get some rest after a long day. Sure, she could have stayed for the afterparty with her bandmates, but she honestly didn’t want to deal with her boss tomorrow, and how she wasn’t taking her work seriously.
She took note of the snow that was falling, and how Yanna noticed the small snowflakes that were falling to the ground below. She also saw how the snowflakes sparkled in the sky, the color shinning with the bright lights of Shinto Teito. Yanna lived in a more reserved part of Shinto Teito, about a ten-minute walk from Shibuya prefect. She had walked about halfway to her apartment, when she noticed a young woman, who looked to be about her age, looking around for someone.
Yanna took note of the young woman, who seemed to be close to her early twenties, with long black hair and light green eyes. What she took note of was the fact that she was wearing a maid outfit, without anything that would prevent her from catching a cold. He noticed that while she was looking around for someone, she had she arms across her whole body and noticed her shivering.
I know I should probably just let this be...Fuck it, I probably shouldn’t be dealing with this at all. But...shit, I actually think this girl is pretty cute. Might as well try to make a good first impression.
Yanna made his way over to the young woman, and soon was noticed by the young woman.
“You don’t look so good.” Yanna said.
“Yes...I am not really in the best mood right now.” The woman said.
“Maybe it’s because of the outfit you're in.”
Yanna noticed the woman slightly snicker at the comment that she made but continue to look around the area.
“Yeah, that’s one of the reasons. But I'm more concerned about where my sister ran off to. We were supposed to stick together for the job that we had, but of course she just had to run off somewhere just to get back at a bad customer. The boss asked me to go after her, but I lost her quickly.”
“That kind of sound likes someone who has a short fuse.”
“You have no idea.”
Then there was a couple of seconds of silence, with Yanna and the young woman not really saying anything.
“Hey, maybe she’s already dealt with the customer and is on her way back. I don’t know, that could be something.” Yanna said.
“Or she’s got into another reckless fight.” The woman said.
“That too.”
Yanna was now beginning to realize that this conversation wasn’t going to go anywhere at this point...unless...
“Hey, would it be better if I helped look for your sister? I mean, two is better than one. From my perspective, I guess.”
Yanna waited for the rejection from the young woman, as she figures she was butting in too much. But she was surprised when the young woman smiled at this.
“I mean, why not. It’s not like I can lose her even more than before.”
“Cool. Here.”
Yanna took off her large winter coat that she had on and put it around the young woman. Now that she was up close to the woman, she realized how pretty she was. She was drawn into her eyes, and she had to pull away from her gaze to gain focus on the task at hand.
“You should be, uh, warmish now.”
“Warmish? Is that even a word?”
“It is in my book.”
Yanna and the young woman began to walk together, and Yanna took notice of how the two of them were walking side by side, together. Yanna thought about how it made the two of them close but realized that she hadn’t asked her the most important question.
“By the way, I don’t really think I got your name yet.”
“It’s Hibiki.”
Then, there was more silence as the two of them looked around for Hibiki’s sister. Yanna was okay with the silence right now, as she wanted to stay focused to see if she could find anything out of the ordinary.
“ you just do this to everyone you cross paths with?” Hibiki asked.
“Not really. I just thought you were pretty and just wanted to help you out.”
Yanna didn’t really think much of what she said, but she then noticed that Hibiki had stopped walking, and Yanna had to turn around to see Hibiki. Yanna noticed that Hibiki seemed to be stunned into silence at her statement. Yanna didn’t really find it a big deal, as she mostly called most of her friends pretty.
“Hey, come on. Aren’t we supposed to be looking for your sister?” Yanna said.
Yanna saw Hibiki come out of her stunned state, as Yanna noticed that Hibiki was flustered quite a bit.
“Right, of course. Sorry...just a little surprised.” Hibiki said.
“It’s all good. Sometimes my blunt statements can come off as a little shocking. Shall we keep looking?”
Yanna saw Hibiki nod at this, as she noticed Hibiki return to her side. Yanna continued to look around...but this time she noticed that Hibiki had come closer to her than before. Probably because she was freezing cold and wanted to get some more warmth.
“So Yanna...what do you actually do for a living?” Hibiki asked.
“Oh me? Well, I mostly am working a part-time job stocking shelves at a grocery store. But I'm more known for being a drummer for a band. We’re not really that big or anything, but it’s still something that I enjoy a lot. Especially when I get to play covers of my favorite artists.”
“Wait...what are drums?”
Yanna had suddenly stopped at this revelation. She was looking at Hibiki like she was crazy.
“You don’t know what drums are? Drums are everything in music. They are the pace setters for a lot of the songs, and they are also the things that are the best thing in music in general. Forget the bullshit that is synths. Drums are the things that make songs what they are.”
“So... it’s more like something you just hit over and over again?”
“No. That’s just something with no knowledge of drums would say. You see, there are various mechanics of drums that are very important. The snare drum is used for higher pitched sounds, while the three separate toms are used for deeper pitched sounds. Then you have the various cymbals, which include Ride cymbal and crash cymbal, which are used for loud crashing sounds to get the feel of the song. Then you have a hi-hat which is focused on keeping up with the pace of the song, and of course, you have Bass Drum, which is used to keep the rhythm of the song going and get the tempo right.”
Yanna realized that she was rambling on about the various parts of the drum, and slightly chuckled quite a bit.
“Uh...that might have been a bit too much to be honest. I kind of just went all out there.”
“What? Why are you freaking apologizing? I like that you are so passionate about you being a... what do you call yourself?”
“I would be called a drummer.”
“Right, that. I... well I think that’s cool. So, what’s your band called?”
“It’s called Chigai Masu. We’ve haven’t really made a lot of music since we’ve only been together for a year. Heck, we only formed because we were all going to the same college.”
“But still...just being a part of making something seems...well, awesome.”
Yanna now noticed that Hibiki’s seemed to have her cheeks turning even more red... which probably meant that she was starting to get too cold.
“Look, I think it might be for the best to head back to where you work. You're getting too cold.”
Yanna grabbed Hibiki’s hand and began to walk back to where Hibiki worked at.
“Hey Hibiki, do you know the location of your job?” Yanna asked.
“Oh, ah, um, yes. Just, uh, keep going straight and then turn right before the light. Then, well, I'm two blocks down.” Hibiki said.
“Thanks, Hibiki.”
Yanna began to pull Hibiki along, since she was really worried about Hibiki catching a cold out in this weather. But she was surprised when Hibiki suddenly was right next to her and had wrapped her arms around Yanna’s right arm. She suddenly felt like that Hibiki was doing this on purpose to mess with her, but she didn’t really say that out loud.
“Yanna...are you doing a show soon?”
“I am. Chigai Masu is planning on going to the Midori bar next weekend. Jasuke is our guitarist who knows the bar owner and agreed for us to do a short show. It’s not much, but your welcome to come if your-”
“Yes! I mean...I would love to.”
Yanna was now getting worried that something was up with Hibiki. She noticed that Hibiki was leaning more into her, and that her breathing was becoming more hitched. She also seemed to be looking...right at her. Her eyes were looking...deep within her?
Really, your just overthinking things. She’s just worried. Nothing more...probably.
Yanna finally saw the light that Hibiki was talking about, and she turned right, and continued to walk with Hibiki. That’s when she noticed the maid cafe that Hibiki was working at...and saw another woman that was the same age as Hibiki, but with stark differences. For starters, Hibiki’s sister’s chest size was a lot bigger than Hibiki’s, but she was wearing a purple maid outfit compared to Hibiki’s Crimson maid outfit. Yanna also noticed the angry look on her face...and could tell she was pissed off more than anything.
“Gosh, there you are Hibiki! I almost had him...he was pestering the customers, and I just had to give him a piece of my mind. I was able to scare him off...but what do you know, your nowhere to be found! I was wondering”
Yanna noticed that Hibiki’s sister had trailed off as she took note of Yanna herself.
“Who the hell are you? And why is my sister wrapped around you?”
“My name is Yanna. I saw Hibiki out here looking for you, and I decided, hey, she’s cute, might as well help her out. So, we’ve been out looking for you because Hibiki here was worried about you.” Yanna said.
“Hibiki. You know I could handle a guy like him.”
“Hikari, we’re...not really supposed to be chasing others around like that. We could get in trouble. That's why I was out looking for know what happens.” Hibiki said.
Yanna was a little confused at the statement that Hibiki had said to Hikari...but she figured it was just something work related.
“So, I figure this boss of your is a stickler for the rules. And doesn’t really like you chasing off customers like that.” Yanna said.
“Fuck that. I don’t want that guy to come back. Ever. And you.”
Yanna was surprised that Hikari had pointed right at her. She didn’t really know where this was going, but she noticed that Hibiki was also a little confused by this.
“Don’t think you can just woo my sister like it’s nothing.”
“Woo her? I was just helping her out to find you with your shenanigans.” Yanna said.
“She’s literally holding you like...wait...”
Yanna was even more confused as to what was happening, and she looked at Hibiki again...and was even more shocked at the reaction that Hibiki was having. Her face had now gone a bright red, and Yanna noticed that Hibiki was panting heavily.
“Shit. I think Hibiki’s been out here for too long. I should probably get her inside the cafe to warm her up. Hikari...I know you don’t like me right now, but at least just take care of your sister right now.” Yanna said.
Yanna waited for Hikari to refuted what she had just said...but instead he saw the shocked look on Hikari’s face, but one more puzzled. Yanna just sighed at this.
“Fuck this.”
Yanna decided that she couldn’t hesitate anymore, and so she used her right arm to lift up Hibiki’s legs, while also providing support for Hibiki’shead with her left arm. Yanna realized that this was a little awkward, since Yanna was now carrying Hibiki in a bridal style, but she needed to get Hibiki warmed up. So, Yanna carried Hibiki inside of the cafe, where one of the maid’s noticed Yanna and Hibiki. Yanna worked together with the maid in putting Hibiki onto on the padded chairs, and she put a warmcloth on top of her head.
Yanna had then asked if Hibiki was going to be okay. She said that it would take about a half hour for her to cool down. Yanna nodded her head in understanding.
This has been one wild night. I mean...I hope Hibiki turns out okay. Still...
Yanna looks at her phone and sees that it’s 10:30 at night.
Shit. I have an early 7:00 AM shift tomorrow. I need to get to bed soon. But...I still haven’t given Hibiki the address to the show.
Yanna looked around to see if she could use anything. Then she noticed the pen and paper that one of the waitresses were using. Yanna quickly grabbed both and began to write down the address for the location. Then, once she quickly finished writing it down, Yanna placed the written note...well, now she realized that she really couldn’t place it anywhere obvious, since maid outfits didn’t usually had pockets.
I mean...might as well put it in her outfit...where her chest is. I mean, it’s fine. Not a big long as I don’t see her nips, it’s all good.
Yanna then moved towards Hibiki, and slowly and carefully folded the note that she had just written, and soon placed the note down her chest...thankfully not seeing any nipples as she placed it there. Finally, she let the maid know that she was heading out, and to let her know about the note that Yanna wrote. As she began to walk out of the cafe, she was stopped by Hikari.
“What did you put in there?” Hikari asked.
“A note. I wrote an address down and it was for a show that I was doing as part of our group.” Yanna said.
“So what? It’s not like she’s going to come with you.”
“Listen, that’s for her to decide. Not you. I can you see care about you, but that overprotectiveness is just going to drive her away instead of keeping her close to you.”
Yanna knew that she pushed it a little much as Hikari’s face had turned a bright red.
“W-Whatever. Just leave before you cause more of a ruckus.”
Yanna nodded her head, but before she left, she whispered into Hikari’s ear.
“Honestly...I think your attractive as well.”
Yanna then saw Hikari’s face go red again.
“J-Just shut it.”
Yanna smiled at herself, as she exited the cafe. Now that she left the cafe, she had a lot to think about. Especially with meeting a new girl that seemed to be very interested in her music career. Besides her bandmates, Hibiki had been the first one that had really been interested in coming to a show with her.
I don’t really know...but I think this could be the start of something really interesting.
By the time Yanna had gotten home to her apartment, she had realized something very important of Her's was missing.
Shit...I forgot that I gave Hibiki my coat for warmth. I do hope that she’s okay
10:56 PM
Hibiki POV
Hibiki slowly opened her eyes, seeing the dark red colored roof of the cafe. She slowly looked to her side, and saw that Hikari had a look of worry on her face.
“What the hell Hibiki? You scared the heck out of me you know. I thought you were catching a cold.” Hikari said.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you.” Hibiki said.
“No. It’s alright. It’s just...why did you have to bring...whoever that chick was back to the cafe.”
“Yanna. Her name was Yanna. Oh...”
Hibiki felt the tension in her stomach returning, and she slowly got up into a seated position.
“Hey, come on. You need to lie down. You’ll just tire yourself out.”
“No, Hikari. I don’t think I'm sick or anything. It’s just stomach feels like it’s in knots right now. And I can feel my face turning red...and my heart begin to pound. I don’t really know what this feeling is...I don’t think I’ve experienced this before.”
“Jeez, now you're really making me worried that you have a cold. Come on, let’s get back to headquarters and have you’ve gotten some rest. I’ll cover your shift for the next couple of days until you feel better.”
Hibiki could only just nod her head, as she got up from her chair, and had her right arm wrapped around Hikari’s shoulders. The two of them began to head back to the headquarters...but as they heading back to their living quarters, Hibiki thought about the new woman that she had met...Yanna. Hibiki felt her face turning red once again at the thought of Yanna. The blunt statements from her, her passion for music, and the fact that Yanna had called her pretty...she was happy when she had said all those things about her.
Hold on...from what the director said. Oh she...really, I can’t believe it. But...I think she’s the one. For me. My Ashikabi.