A Misadventure with Time Travel - Chapter 1 - TheWeirdOne002 - 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī (2025)

Chapter Text

If anyone asked Jin Ling, he would say it was Jingyi's fault.

If anyone asked Jingyi, then yes, for this incident he will admit that it was his fault, which he had admitted to the man in black who was laughing his ass off infront of them.

The man had no mercy for them as he was practically rolling on the ground with a guffaw.

"You're telling me a Lan attempted to escape old man Lan's punishment by using an experimental transportation talisman and somehow ended up here"

"Yes" Jingyi answered looking gloomy

The man in dark robes threw another fit of laughter

It was an honest mistake.

Earlier that day he had visited their senior Wei and found the man fully engrossed in his work. Jingyi wanted to see if he had some transportation talismans. But the man was to busy and so Jingyi helped himself

When they got back home, a new rule on the wall that said not to touch a mad genius stuff was boundto be there.


GusuLan Sect were giving lectures once more and they all had decided to come together and study. Jin Ling was kicked out of his own sect by his juijui to go study. He was Sect Leader he didn't need to study... but nope, to gusu he went.

Ouyang Zizhen on the other hand haf more or less ran away from home to do so. When he was safely tucked away in the Lan Sect, he sent a letter to his father saying he was already there and would not be returning home until the lectures were over

His father nearly qi deviated

Lan Qiren nearly qi deviated as well when he learnt the disaster quartet was together.

He dealt with a Nei Huaisang and Wei Wuxian in the past but this was double the trouble. And with one of the original trouble makers still around, it was worse

It had only been 1 week into the lessons and more than a dozen rules had been broken

A good number of students were doing handstands at the end of the week

Lan Qiren noticed all the handstands and rule copying weren't doing much and so he begrudgingly asked for assistance from the original trouble maker

Only way to find out what a trouble maker would hate would be from one. An off comment about listening to old master Lan's droning lectures was punishing enough. Wei Wuxian laughed it off but stopped when he noticed that the old man was considering it as he strocked his beard.

Later he would apologize to the Juniors of the sect but for now he ran away.

And so that was a new method of punishment

Handstands but this time instead of copying the rules, someone would recite the rules out loud until the time was up.

It was pure torture. Jingyi would rather copy the rules hundreds of times than having to handstand through the recital.

That day they had been sneaking back into cloud recess after an impromptu night hunt. Their beloved senior Wei had showed them a few tips and tricks and they wanted to test it out. And so they all agreed to sneak out and do so.

Well three of them did, Sizhui went with them so he could keep them out of trouble. He was the only one with a functioning brain cell.

The impromptu night hunt went unexpectedly well. It was the sneaking back in part that failed and led to them to ending up here. They heard the patrol guards anf tried to make an escape the other way but another patrol gaurd was making their way towards them and so they panicked, Jingyi remembered the Talisman from earlier and used it.

And thats how they ended up in a cave with a big bang, ended up being held at flute point by a man in black and then explaining to said man what had transpired, which led to the man rolling on the ground and laughing at their misery

The man finally stopped laughing and looked at them with a curious glint in his eyes. He then sat up straight and began stroking his chin

"You see young ones this old man has been here for sometime now. Can one of you younguns tell him what year it is" the man asked them in a faux voice

The four teenagers looked at eachother. They simply shrugged. After looking around, they figured they had some how transported themselves to a Yilling Patriach enthusiastis that was probably a hermit. The man who had previously been hostile because of the sudden arrival, had listened to their tale and then laughed his ass off at them.

So Sizhui being the more diplomatic one answered.

The man hummed with a look and then clapped his hands as he came to a conclusion

"Well young masters, it seems you have transported yourselves to the past!" The man cheered with a cheeky grin


There was silence

And then

"Huh!?" Three of them scream

"That's impossible! Time travel isn't real!" Jingyi yelled

"Oh but it's possible" the man says while nodding and stroking a non existent beard "as proof, you lot a here"

"Oh yeah, what makes you say so!?" Jin Ling pointed a finger at the man

And so the man decided to list the facts he had while tapping his dizi on his shoulder.

"One. You some how got through my wards without alarming me"

The Juniors looked confused

"And two, as far as I'm aware the cloud recess aren't holding any interclan lectures at this point in time and point number three is the fact that you guys didn't try to kill me on sight. Especially you" the man pointed at Jin Ling

Jin Ling looked stupefied

"What!? Why would I kill you? Who are you anyway!?" Jin Ling shouted

"See, see! You don't know me!" The man cheered

"Gongzi, you don't seem to be making any sense" Sizhui tried. The man was a bit familiar to him but he couldn't place where he had met him

The man reminded of him of his baba though, but that could be because the man was a Yilling Patriach copycat. He couldn't really believe the man. Time travel shouldn't be possible

"If you don't believe me, then let me show you" the man stood up and walked out

The man was aware of the Juniors following and that's when they saw a small village or settlement perhaps of mostly old people and non-cultivators.

They looked confused

"What's with this small village? Who are they?" Asked the Jin. The man hummed nonchalantly then answered.

"The Wens"

The man watched are number of different emotion flit through their eyes. Then their eyes grew wide in shock. He noted none of them went for their swords which was a good thing

"The Wens" the one in Ouyang clan robes chocked out looking faint.

The Jin one went through a number of emotions and finally rested on anger as he grabbed one of the Lans by the collar and started shaking him while yelling

Said Lan looked like he lost his soul and the last Lan decided to leave the land of consciousness.


Even the man has convinced himself that this was time travel because this was not the usual reaction Cultivators of this time should have


Wei Wuxian has done are bunch of stupid shit(experiments) in his life with varying results. Most failed or blew up in his face, so when a failed transportation array suddenly lit up, he took cover.

The array exploded with light, the blast thundered and shook the mountain they lived upon.

Once the light cleared and the ringing in his ears stopped, he stood to access the damage, instead he found four disgruntled looking teenagers

Oh shit!

Wen Qing was going to kill him!

There was a Jin, two Lans and one Ouyang. It took him a while to place the last one though.

"Huh?" Said the Ouyang as he looked around "where are we?"

"Jingyi you idiot! What have you done!?" Screeched the Jin

"What!? Say that again, I can't hear you!" One of the Lan called back

That one's hearing must have been ringing like his were earlier

The last Lan finally set up looking disoriented and that's when he made his presence known

"You dare trespass into my territory!" He demanded

The teenagers turned around to him. All alert, Wei Wuxian was ready for a battle. He gripped Chenqing and glared at them menacingly, he was not going to let these Cultivators touch the Wens.

But their actions shocked him greatly

One of the Lan's immediately bowed down to him, startling him so much that he was stuck frozen at where he stood.

"This one apologizes. We did not mean to intrude" he shot a look at his companions and they immediately followed. The Jin reluctantly did so but he still did.

A Jin bowed in apology to him!?

To him! Wei Wuxian, the Yilling Patriach!

This was not normal. It truly wasnt. And two Lans were also bowing in apology. Nope! This was not normal. And he panicked a bit.

"Aiya! It looks like this was an accident, why don't you guys tell me what happened and so we can figure this out" he says. Forcing himself to be calm. He carelesslywaves his hand about and urged them to sit back up.

He sensed no hostility from the young Cultivators. They all looked young. The oldest, the Ouyang one, looked to be a year or two younger than him. The youngest one, the Jin, looked about fifteen.

Which meant they should be old enough to know who he is and yet none of them recognized him.

They all looked relived in their own ways and so the responsible looking Lan explained what happened. Which greatly confused him but also the hilarity of it was out of this world. He couldn't help but laugh.

The one that caused the mess, Jingyi, looked red as a tomato which made him laugh harder. If they were serious -and from the looks of it, they were- then Wei Wuxian would pay a fortune to see Lan Qiren's face. But it was time to get serious.

He set up and studied the kids. They all looked sheepish, guilty and worried under his gaze. The Jin looked a bit familiar and so did the responsible looking Lan but he couldn't place were he saw them and filed that thought away.

The two Lans looked to have headbands of the main family, but as far as he knew, the only ones who should about this age should be Lan Zhan and Zewu-jun. A random theory popped up in his head and so in an old man voice he asked for the year

The Juniors looked confused but answered anyway


So that's what it is...

Wei Wuxian can't believe it himself.

He hummed and thought of the years and calculated. About sixteen or so years he thought, and so he decided to see their reaction to his theory.

And just as he expected they didn't believe him. Well if they didn't belive him and he didn't belive himself then what hell were they supposed to belive, so he decided to take the chance and show them.

He showed them the way out, tightening his grip on chenqing, ready for a fight. He observed their reactions, he was suprised but glad that none of them reached for their swords. They were looked confused instead. As if they didn't recognize these people.

To be honest if his theory was right, they should recognize at least may be a few of them.


"What's with this small village? Who are they?"

The Jin did not recognize them. And so he told them

"The Wens"

A number of emotions flashed through their eyes. The Ouyang chocked on his words

The Jin processed to many emotions before settling on rage. But instead of lashing at him or the Wens he turned to the loud Lan and started shaking him

And the last Lan fainted


This was definitely not something Cultivators of this day did

"Welcome to the Burial Mounds" He cheerfully welcomed them to his abode

A Misadventure with Time Travel - Chapter 1 - TheWeirdOne002 - 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī (2025)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.